[Rend] king of the skies | rey de los cielos
Created by Madara0924
Updated Jul 28, 2024 for PvE
Mini Stats
This build is particularly good in PVE, although the versatility of its composition allows it to be used in PVP and even dungeons as well. The strategy is simple, the fire elemental and the troll can defeat ground enemies, while the gnome and the eggs can take care of both ground and air units.
Give this deck a try and rule the skies with Rend!
Esta build es particularmente buena en PVE, aunque la versatilidad de su composición permite que se use en PVP e incluso en mazmorras. La estrategia es simple, el elemental de fuego y el trol pueden derrotar a los enemigos terrestres, mientras que el gnomo y los huevos pueden encargarse tanto de las unidades terrestres como de las aéreas. ¡Prueba este mazo y domina los cielos con Rend!
Advanced Build Stats
Build Rating
Lane Offense
Tower Offense
Lane Defense
Tower Defense
Weak Against
Strong Against
About This Build
This build, [Rend] king of the skies | rey de los cielos, was created by Madara0924 on Jul 28, 2024. The leader of the deck is Rend Blackhand as part of the Blackrock family.
With 6 other minis, this puts the total build cost at 3.7, DPS at 117, and HP at 604. Be sure to support your favorite builds and creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share that you find useful.Check out the profile page of Madara0924 for more of their guides.
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